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April 30 2004, 15:35 APK-Inform

To the kind attention of the Conference Participants!

Following the numerous requests of the Third International Conference Grain Industry-2004 Participants, the organiser of the Conference - APK-Inform Agribusiness Information Company - introduces a business partner search system:

- a notice-board will be installed in the conference hall, where every Participant will be able to place the information aiming at localising representatives of the company the Participant is looking for;

- you can set a meeting with the companies` representatives at the Conference right now, sending an application form with indication of the names of companies you would like to meet and their representatives, the aim of the meeting, the desired place and time of the meeting, and your contacts.

Please send your application forms to the APK-Inform Marketing Department:

tel/fax: +38 0562 320795, e-mail: [email protected].

The application forms will be transmitted to the addressees.

We hope our service will help you set new business contacts or strengthen the already existing ones.

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