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The 3rd International Conference
This conference option is an efficient method to provide information about company's products and services. A speaker has 5-7 minutes to make a presentation of his company. This option is interesting for companies having already established their reputation in the market. The goal of the presentation is to maintain the company's image and provide information about new products and services. At the same time, a company that is new in the market can make a successful presentation of itself and provide more detailed information about its products and services during further negotiations.
To make this conference option even more advantageous for each company, it additionally includes the following:
- free-of-charge participation of a spokesperson in the conference;
- a special 10% discount for participation of unlimited number of invited clients in the conference;
- informational page about a company on www.fruit-inform.com without limitation of placement period;
- inclusion of company's advertising materials into the conference participants' portfolios.
Duration of presentation is 5-7 minutes (2-3 minutes are given for questions and answers).
Commercial presentation costs 6,000 UAH / 24,000 RUB / 840 USD / 600 EUR
Pay your attention: 20-25 minute speech at the conference is available only for sponsors.
For more information, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
Ievgen Kuzin
phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341
cell: +380 96 5836323
email: [email protected]