The 5th International Conference
Fruit-Inform invites all fruit business participants to the 5th International Conference «Apple Business of Ukraine-2015".
The event keeps on expanding its geography and moves to Kamyanets-Podilsky, one of the leading apple regions of the country. By tradition, the organizers offer as informative as possible program of the first day and eventful business-tour to Gauka Farm, one of the leading apple farms in the region, on the second day.
Key conference subjects on August 13:
- The Ukrainian apple market: situation and development prospects. Production, price, export and import forecast for 2015/16
- The situation in main competing countries: Moldova, Poland, EU
- Orchard pre-harvesting management and plant protection
- Mechanization in fruit growing and different stages in orchard management
- The Ukrainian market for processed apples
- Modern apple quality retention, storage, handling and packaging technologies
- Apple marketing and sales through different channels: domestic supermarkets, exports, wholesale markets etc.
Business-tour to Gauka Farm on August 14:
- different approaches to intensive apple growing in orchards 3-12 years old;
- machinery used during apple orchard management, spraying, prunning etc.;
- modern apple storage:
- storage with cooling;
- CA-storage;
- apple pre-sale handling line;
- introduction of own corrugated packaging production line in a farm's structure.
The conference is organized by Fruit-Inform. Fito-Mag Ukraine is the General Sponsor of the Conference. The conference is sponsored by Syngenta. Bayer CropScience sponsors the conference business-tour.
Key conference audience: apple growers (more than 50%), processing enterprises, representatives of wholesale and retail trade, suppliers of inputs and equipment, apple trees, agrichemistry etc.
The organizers expect the conference to attract more than 150 delegates from 8-10 countries of the world.
More detailed information about the event is available on www.fruit-inform.com.
General media partner
Media partners
Would you have any questions concerning the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us:
tel/fax: +380 562 320795
cell: +380 96 5836323 (Mr. Ievgen Kuzin)
e-mail: [email protected]