The 6th International Conference
Apelsin Hotel, 145, Frunze St, Cherkasy, Ukraine, |
Fruit-Inform invites all fruit and vegetable business participants to the 6th International Conference «Apple Business of Ukraine-2016».
The apple season-2016/17 will undoubtedly be a point of no return for the Ukrainian fruit business and a key one in defining the future of this market segment, which is seen just in two alternatives: price stagnation (as in the previous marketing year) under conditions of lack of exports to Russia and Crimea, or entrance to new sales markets and efficient marketing of Ukrainian apples.
It is the latter what we would propose to discuss among all apple business professionals at the leading annual conference, which is to be organized in Cherkasy this year.
By tradition, all delegates will be able to take part in both the conference with as informative program as possible on the first day and a practical business-tour to Mais Agroindustrial Company (one of the leading apple farms in the region) on the second day.
The conference program will focus on the following:
- The Ukrainian apple production, price, export and import forecast for the season-2016/17. Five-year outlook
- The situation in the apple market in the EU and other European countries: production forecast for fresh apples and apples for processing, the supply of export-quality apples and key export channels
- The apple market in Kazakhstan: development of domestic sector and imports
- The apple sector in other Eastern European countries: Russia, Belarus, Moldova etc.
- Successful examples of fresh apple exports from Ukraine
- The Ukrainian organic apple market: internal market and shipments to the EU
- The apple juice concentrate market in Ukraine, export situation
- Consumption of apple juices and nectars in Ukraine: latest trends and expectations
- Modern intensive apple orchard: from laying out and treatment to harvesting
- Introduction of a nut orchard in an apple farm structure: practical examples
- High-quality handling of apples as a guarantee of successful marketing: fruit quality retention, storage, sorting, packaging
- Efficient apple sales in the internal market: direct cooperation with supermarkets, branding etc.
The conference business-tour will focus on:
- different approaches to apple growing in intensive orchards;
- machinery used during apple orchard treatment;
- industrial nut orchard as a part of an apple farm's structure;
- modern apple storage;
- apple handling and packaging line;
- apple processing.
The conference is organized by Fruit-Inform. Fito-Mag Ukraine is the General Sponsor of the event. Syngenta is the Official Sponsor of the conference. The event is sponsored by Insolar-Kholod.
Key conference audience: apple growers (more than 50%), processing enterprises, representatives of wholesale and retail trade, suppliers of apple trees, machinery, plant protection products, fertilizers, equipment and technologies etc.
The organizers expect the event to be attended by about 150 delegates from 8-10 countries of the world.
Conference Partners
General media partner
Exclusive media partner
Media partners
Would you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)
cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)
e-mail: [email protected]