The 10th International Conference
«Berries of Ukraine-2019: Frozen Produce & Fresh Market»

May 21-22, 2019

Premier Hotel Rus, Kyiv

Organized by



General Media Partner




Business-tour partner


Supported by






Media Partner



Informacje o konferencji w języku polskim są dostępne tutaj


The 10th addition of the leading soft fruit event “Berries of Ukraine-2019: fresh and frozen” will be held in Kyiv and will be combined with the trade forum, where European buyers will meet the best Ukrainian suppliers.

The conference remains the leading industry event gathering up to 400 professionals from up to 20 counties and in 2019, besides all leading Ukrainian growers, it will welcome large delegations from Poland and other EU countries, as well as Moldova, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.


Ukraine is very rapidly becoming one of the leaders in exports of fresh and frozen berries, having exported 53,000 tonnes in 2018. Unique climate, perfect quality land, plentiful pure water and location on the border with the EU combined with educated and inexpensive labor force market makes Ukraine one of the most competitive berry countries in the world.

It is not at all surprising that Ukraine is currently one of the global leaders in terms of blueberry area expansion and the third largest exporter of fresh and frozen raspberries in Europe. By 2020 Ukraine will be exporting 10,000 tonnes of fresh blueberries, and in 2019 exports could reach 5,000 tonnes up from nearly nothing five years ago.

The majority of Ukrainian berry exporters are GLOBALG.A.P. certified and many farmers are certified as Organic by the EU authorities.


The conference will be two-days long and will combine market and technology presentations, with trade negotiations and visits to the leading farms.


The conference focuses on blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, red- and blackcurrants, specialty berry crops, such as gooseberries, haskap berries, etc.


Why to attend?


This year’s special all-inclusive program for buyers of berries co-organized by Fruitnet Media:


The conference is organized by Fruit-Inform in cooperation with Fruitnet Media, FAO, Ukrainian Horticultural Association and East-Fruit.


Detailed information about the event is available on


To learn more about the event, please contact Fruit-Inform:

+390 562 320795

+380 96 5836323 – Mr. Ievgen Kuzin,