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The 5th International Conference
Address: 23b, Pirogova St, Vinnytsia 21018, Ukraine
How to get to Feride Plaza
Feride Plaza is situated in the center of Vinnytsia
How to get to Feride Plaza from Railway Station
Distance: 6 km
Trolley bus № 5– from Railway Station to Gagarina Square stop
Tram №1, 6 – from Railway Station to Gagarina Square stop
How to get to Feride Plaza from Central Bus Terminal
Distance: 5 km (better to take taxy).
Trolley bus № 5 Kotsyubynskogo Museum stop – Gagarina Square stop
How to get to Feride Plaza from Western Bus Terminal
Distance: 6 km
Tram №2, 5 from Western Bus Terminal to Gagarina Square stop
By taxy
10-15 minutes from any stations to Feride Plaza
Cost: 25-30 UAH
Taxy numbers: +380 432 555444, +380 432 555069, +380 432 555777, +380 432 555888
As regards organization of Kiev-Vinnytsia transfer, please contact the organizers of the conference.
About Feride Plaza
Feride***** Hotel is situated in the central part of Vinnytsia. Elegant interior, comfy rooms, panoramic elevator, high security level, green and clean Pirogov Public Gardens near the hotel will make your leisure really pleasant.
We are ready to offer you high-profile room service; professional services in Butterfly spa and beauty salon; meals in Feride restaurant and cafe; laundry and parking services; entertainment in Feride night club and a wide range of shopping opportunities.
NEW! Our new offer for Feride Hotel guests: entrance to Feride night club is free!
Accommodation booking conditions:
Accommodation services are provided on the basis of the application of the company and on the terms that free places are available in the hotel. If you are going to stay at the hotel longer than it was planned initially, please, inform us in advance.
- Check-in time: after 14:00
- Check-out time: prior to 12:00
- Early check-in and late check-out are paid additionally:
- Early accommodation and late departure are provided for additional payment and are subject to availability of free rooms.
To book accommodation, please fill out the following form.
Application for accommodation can be canceled by the Company in the written form only to the address of the Organizer of the conference via e-mail or fax, not later than 01.05.2014.
Would you have any questions regarding accommodation, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)
cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)
e-mail: [email protected]