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January 14 2013, 12:15 Fruit-Inform

Updated program of Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine - 2013

The program of the 5th International Conference “Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2013 is 80% completed. The previously confirmed speakers with analytical presentations were joined by such well-known market players as DuPont, Bayer CropScience and Tolsma.

The conference is sponsored by DuPont, supported by Bayer CropScience and co-organized by Fruit-Inform and Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers.

The conference format includes a plenary day (February 19) with a regular meeting of Potato Club in Ukraine, master classes from the leading sector experts, analytical and technological presentation. On the second conference day (February 20), there will be a practical business-tour to Faktor Konsalts company that is among leaders in handling and storage of potatoes and vegetables in Ukraine.

We would remind you that the conference will start its work on February 19, 2013, President Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine.

The organizers expect up to 150 delegates to take part in the event with leading potato and vegetable growers accounting for about a half of them. The rest of participants will represent other sectors of the business: wholesale and retail trade, supply of seeds, agrichemistry, equipment, machinery, storage and post-harvesting technologies.

More detailed information about the conference, conditions of participation, the program and application form are available here:

Would you have any questions regarding the event, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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