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November 12 2014, 12:27 Fruit-Inform

Meetings with key Ukrainian retailers and importers in one place, on one day – Kiev, Dec 10

Registration of participants of the 4th International Trade Forum goes on. For the present, the trade forum is a unique event in Ukraine, which enables domestic and foreign fresh produce suppliers to conduct direct negotiations with decision makers from 90% of the Ukrainian retail sector and key importers just in one place and just on one day!

The trade forum will be held on December 10, on the third day of the 11th International Conference «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014», Rus Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine. The trade forum being held in conjunction with the most important conference in Ukraine enables participants both to make useful contacts and receive exclusive analytical information on the fruit and vegetable market in the Eastern Europe.

The list of the trade forum importers and retailers is daily updated and now includes 24 market leaders ready to negotiate on fruit and vegetable supplies. The trade forum has already aroused a keen interest among Ukrainian and foreign suppliers so that more than 50% of all trade forum meetings have been already booked. In the recent days, their participation in the trade forum has been confirmed by domestic fruit, berry, vegetable and potato growers as well as suppliers from Georgia, Egypt, Italy, Macedonia and other countries.

We would also draw your attention to preferential trade forum registration conditions for participants of the 11th International Conference «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014».

Pay your attention! A number and possibility of meetings at the trade forum are limited; and, according to the organizers, the schedule will be fully formed in the nearest weeks.

More detailed information about the conference, b2b exposition, trade forum is available on the official web-site of the events. To confirm your participation, please fill out an application form available here.

Would you have any questions, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)


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