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February 16 2015, 15:16 Fruit-Inform

Applications for participation in Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine-2015 Conference to be accepted for a week

Applications for participation in the 7th International Conference «Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine-2015» will be accepted for 7 days. The event will start its work on February 27 in Kiev and gather leading participants of the Ukrainian potato and vegetable business.

The list of conference participants has recently been joined by such companies as Chernigovelitkartofel, Fresh Engineering Group, Agro-Siver, Zubov, Plato, Adama Ukraine, Kalinovka Trading House etc.

The conference program is 90% complete and has been recently updated with the following presentations:

«Foreign trade in traditional vegetables: potential, new directions, price prospects» - Green Team representative;

«High-quality services of potato and vegetable handling. Assessment of the market demands» - Kalinovka Trading House representative;

«Adama protection technologies in modern potato growing» - Adama representative.

We would remind you that the conference will take place in KyivExpoPlaza on February 27. This year, the event's program will be even more informative, as the conference will take place in conjunction with Storage Expo: Fruits & Vegetables and Industrial Cold exhibitions.

The conference is co-organized by Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers.

Applications for participation will be accepted by February 23.

More detailed information about the event, preliminary program, conditions of participation and application form are available on

Would you have any questions regarding the event, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Mr Ievgen Kuzin

tel: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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