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September 15 2003, 11:29 APK-Inform

Kyrylenko and Ryzhuk are main witnesses for prosecution in Kozachenko case

The current Deputy Prime Minister for Agriculture Ivan Kyrylenko and Minister of Agrarian Policy Serhiy Ryzhuk have acted as main witnesses for prosecution in the criminal case against Ukraine's ex-Deputy Prime Minister for Agriculture Leonid Kozachenko, accused of office abuse entailing grave consequences, and bribery in especially large scale, lawyer for the defendant ex-official Ihor Usenko has told APK-Inform.

As we have already informed, the General Prosecutor's Office on September 10 declined the appeal about closing the case against L. Kozachenko, submitted by the lawyers on completion of the familiarisation procedure with the materials of criminal case. The resolution of the Prosecutor's Office concerning the appeal has stated that "the appeal is groundless and unnatural" and the defendant's guilt of the crimes as specified by the two articles of Ukrainian Criminal Code (office abuse and bribery) "has been proved by the evidence of witnesses", among which there are Mr. Kyrylenko and Mr. Ryzhuk.

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