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September 17 2003, 09:07 Interfax-Ukraine

Entrepreneurs' union and employers' federation worried by administrative measures in farm sector

The Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (USPP) and the Ukrainian Federation of Employers have issued a joint statement, claiming that the administrative measures for regulation of the situation in the Ukraine's agro-industrial complex will result in worsening of situation, Interfax-Ukraine news agency informed.

The statement points out that July's crisis on Ukrainian food market has entailed intensification of coercive and administrative measures.

"The artificial limitation of profitability in production of grain and bread products, the establishment of regional funds at prices below market ones, the coercive extraction of grain from economic subjects are testifying of attempts to solve the problem on account of the farmers", reads the statement.

Besides, USPP and the Employers' Federation claim the accusations of former Vice Prime Minister for Agriculture Leonid Kozachenko of the arisen situation to be unjust.

"USPP declares that in joint effort with the Federation of Employers and Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation it will be taking a strict monitoring as regards the observance of law and informational objectivity in the case of Leonid Kozachenko", the statement reads.

As it has been reported, after a sharp leap of some foodstuff prices in Ukraine in June and July this year, the regional authorities resorted to limitation of profitability in flour milling and bread baking industries and establishment of mandatory price limits for some foodstuff items.

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