Greenhouse construction slowing down in the Netherlands
According to information from Netherlandian greenhouse business experts, 2010 was one of the worst years in construction of new greenhouse centers. Over this year there were only 90 ha under new greenhouses constructed, while in 2009 there were more than 250 ha, and in 2008 – more than 500 ha.
According to Andriy Yarmak, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, this was caused by several factors. “First of all, greenhouse areas increase in those countries which earlier were importers of greenhouse produce from the Netherlands – in particular, in Russia and Ukraine, and other countries of Eastern Europe. Secondly, production grows in Southern countries which spend practically no resources for heating and lighting, invest less in 1 ha under greenhouses, and have lower labor costs”, the expert tells.
At the same time, political instability in North African countries and increasing costs of transportation from distant countries may push greenhouse production in EU and the Netherlands in the nearest time.