Uneasy night expected for gardeners from Western Ukraine
According to Fruit-Inform Project's experts, last night has not seriously damaged apple orchards in western regions of Ukraine as air temperature was below zero for only short period of time. However, the next night might be much more dangerous as, according to meteorologists' forecasts, further decrease of air temperature is expected.
According to our estimates, the most serious problems will be faced by gardeners from Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, and Zakarpattia regions. Moreover, southern regions of Western Ukraine will suffer the most as blossoming of apple orchards has already started there. In addition, frosts can damage peach, grape, sweet and tart cherry, garden strawberry, and blueberry crops there.
However, meteorologists forecast increase of air temperature in the nearest future.
More detailed information about Ukraine's fresh and frozen berry production prospects can be got during the Second International Conference “Berries of Ukraine-2011: Freezing and Fresh Market”. Application form is available through this link