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October 10 2003, 11:59

Kazakhstan increased output of livestock products in Jan.-Sept. 4.9 pc

Gross output of livestock products in Kazakhstan in January-September 2003 constituted 184.7 billion tenges (146 tenges = $1), which is 40.2 percent of total output of farm commodities. This amount is 4.9 percent more than the one, produced over the same period of 2002, Kazakhstan's agency for statistics has informed, according to web-server

Production of meat in all categories of the country's farming businesses increased over this period 4.6 percent to 815,000 tonnes, production of milk - 5 percent to 3.539 million tonnes, production of eggs - 10.5 percent to 1.804 million, production of wool - 8.2 percent to 25,100 tonnes.

According to the statistics agency, the increase in output of livestock products was first of all connected with increase in the numbers of animals and poultry and growth of its productivity. Thus, as of October 1 this year the head of cattle increased 7.1 percent from the same date last year - to 5.303 million heads, the number of sheep and goats - 8.4 percent to 13.786 million heads, the number of pigs - 13.8 percent to 1.692 million heads, of horses - 4.6 percent to 1.163 million heads, of poultry - 4.9 percent, to 28.565 million heads.

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