Ukraine's new apple season starts with price decrease
According to Fruit-Inform Project, last week the Ukrainian market began to be actively supplied with apples of new harvest. This fact had an immediate negative impact on sales of imported apples. However, suppliers did not hurry to reduce prices for them.
Wholesale prices for apples of new harvest varied within UAH 2-8/kg (EUR 0.17-0.70/kg) depending on variety, diameter and quality. However, in any case, wholesale prices for domestic apples were lower than for imported ones which were sold by wholesale averagely at UAH 10/kg (EUR 0.87/kg) for produce of standard medium quality.
We would remind you that in two weeks the first in the CIS international conference “Apple Business of Ukraine, Russia and Moldova - 2011” will take place at Stolychnyi Wholesale Market (the largest wholesale market of Ukraine), Kiev, Ukraine. Their participation has been already confirmed by the biggest producers from these countries as well as wholesale and retail trade representatives, suppliers of input and equipment for growing, storage, post-harvesting and packing of apples. The program of the event is available here. Registration of the conference participants is in progress.