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July 26 2011, 12:58 Fruit-Inform

Kiev's Stolychnyi Wholesale Market already selling 3 thous. tonnes of fruits and vegetables a day

As the management of Stolychnyi Wholesale Market reported to Fruit-Inform Project, the turnover of fruit and vegetable produce almost doubled at the market over last week. At the past weekend daily sales reached record-breaking 3 thous. tonnes, and it is only the beginning. According to market experts, considerably larger sales volumes are expected at the market already in August-September.

In addition, the trade will be significantly more active after completion of construction of dairy, meat, flower and fish pavilions. This will make Stolychnyi Wholesale Market the best place for HoReCa and small retail traders to conduct daily purchases. Moreover, the market's management currently actively works on attracting foreign purchasers to conduct their activities through the market. For example, Stolychnyi will be a very convenient place for those who export Georgian citrus fruits and potherbs to Ukraine and import Ukrainian potatoes, carrots and red beets to Georgia.

We would remind you that in two weeks the first in the CIS international conference “Apple Business of Ukraine, Russia and Moldova - 2011” will take place at Stolychnyi Wholesale Market (the largest wholesale market of Ukraine), Kiev, Ukraine. Their participation has been already confirmed by the biggest producers from these countries as well as wholesale and retail trade representatives, suppliers of input and equipment for growing, storage, post-harvesting and packing of apples. The program of the event is available here. Registration of the conference participants is in progress.

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