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August 23 2011, 11:48 Fruit-Inform

Ukraine strengthening its position of the fourth biggest apple producer in Europe

According to Fruit-Inform Project, Ukraine will again become the fourth biggest apple producer in Europe in 2011 having outstripped Germany for the second year in a row.

Fruit-Inform Project's analysts forecast Poland to restore its status of the biggest producer in Europe after unsuccessful last year when, due to floods and unfavorable weather conditions, Italy took the first place among European producers of apples. Nevertheless, this year the difference between apple production in Italy and Poland will be slightly in favor of the latter. At the same time, Italy's production of fresh apples will be considerably higher than Poland's one, as Polish apples are produced mainly for processing.

France will be the third biggest apple producer among European countries. France's apple production stabilized in recent years after dynamic decrease in 2000-2008.

We would remind you that more detailed information of the production and price prospects in the markets for apples and other fresh produce categories will be presented during two important international events of the fresh produce business.

The Fourth International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2011” will take place in conjunction with World Food Moscow, September 14, 2011. The second event is the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter” which will take place during Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 Fair, Kiev, November 30 – December 2, 2011. Registration of participation in the conferences and exhibition is currently in active progress.

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