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January 17 2012, 10:45 Fruit-Inform

Fall of fruit and vegetable prices in Ukraine in the 2nd week of 2012

Fruit-Inform's fruit and vegetable index shows that the value of Ukrainians' fruit and vegetable basket fell by 10.7% in the 2nd week of 2012 that was the sharpest week-on-week decrease rate in the past 4 months.

“Greenhouse vegetables made the most important contribution to a reduction of the basket's value, as they dramatically grew in price right before the New Year and sharply fell last week”, Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform, says. “Moreover, all main categories of fruits and vegetables became less expensive last week, even potatoes and traditional vegetables (onions, white cabbages, red beets, carrots), which did not increase in price before the New Year holidays”, the expert continues.

More detailed information about Ukrainian and Russian fruit and vegetable markets is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly service package.

We would also remind you that the Ukrainian potato and vegetable business will gather at the 4th International Conference “Potatoes and Vegetables of Ukraine – 2012”, President Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine, February 16-17, 2012. The event is supported by Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers and Ukrainian Association of Wholesale Markets and will be attended by the biggest vegetable and potato producers, suppliers of seeds, machinery, equipment, the largest purchasers of produce and companies interested in investing in the Ukrainian vegetable and potato business. To join them, please, fill out an application form.

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