Fruit and vegetable deflation in Ukraine: threefold decrease in prices year-on-year
Fruit-Inform's fruit and vegetable index shows that in the mid-February 2012 the value of Ukrainians' fruit and vegetable basket is three times as low as in the same period of last year. Traditional vegetables (onions, white cabbages, red beets, carrots) and potatoes made the main contribution to the basket's decrease, as they fell in price 4-5 times year-on-year. Prices for greenhouse vegetables and fruits decreased by 3-4%. The value of Ukrainians' fruit basket could have fallen even lower if not a recent increase in banana prices provoked by extreme weather in Ecuador.
“White cabbages and onions are the leaders in the price drop in Ukraine, as they are averagely 7-10 times less expensive year-on-year. Prices for red beets and carrots are 2-4 times as low as in the mid-February 2011”, Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform, says. “Notwithstanding our warnings of a high probability of such developments in the Ukrainian market, which we had announced in the end of 2010, only few professionals listened to them and managed to make profits even in such a difficult season”, the expert continues.
More detailed information about Ukrainian and Russian fruit and vegetable markets is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly service package.
We would also remind you that the detailed Ukraine potato and vegetable production and price forecast was presented by Fruit-Inform analysts at the 4th International Conference “Potatoes and Vegetables of Ukraine – 2012”. The fundamental study “Fruit and Vegetable Market of Ukraine-2012: Results and Forecasts for the Next Season” will be available since March 1, 2012.