The State Department of Food Industry of Ukraine suggests to purchase 350-400 thousand tons of sugar for the State Reserve Fund
The State department of Food Industry of the Ministry of agrarian Politics of Ukraine proposes to purchase 350-400 thousands tons of sugar for the State Reserve Fund in order to stabilize the prices on sugar at the domestic market. According to chairman of State Department Leonid Svatkov indicated volumes of state purchases will allow to stabilize the price situation.
At present sugar plants produce sugar more than necessary, which badly influence its price. Even now some sugar plants propose to reduce the level of minimal prices on sugar. Leonid Svatkov considers it inadmissible. "If the price on sugar is lower than 2 hryvnyas per kilogram it will lead sugar enterprises to bankruptcy"- he said. But plants are ready to lower the cost of products and to sell it as soon as possible in order to get means for paying for received bank credits.