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December 25 2003, 08:46 APK-Inform

Weather conditions on Dec. 11-20 were favourable for winter crops

A spokesman for Ukraine's weather centre has told APK-Inform that no adverse weather conditions, harmful for winter cereals, were observed on the second ten days of December. In conditions of unseasonably warm weather, awakening of plants to vegetation was observed. In the Crimea and the southernmost areas the plants were in the state of slow growth.

However, the durable retention of the increased temperature background may adversely affect the level of the plants frost-resistance, especially in overgrown plantings.

During the ten-day period the minimal temperature at the tillering node depth of winter cereals was dropping to minus 1 to 6 degrees Celsius, which is considerably above the critical temperatures of freezing-out, which are estimated at minus 10 degrees for winter barley, minus 13 to 14 degrees for winter wheat medium frost-resistant varieties in the shooting phase and minus 15 to 16 in tillering phase, minus 18 to 20 for high frost-resistance varieties.

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