Vegetable crops may suffer from drought in some Ukrainian regions
Vegetable growers from the eastern and central regions of Ukraine are seriously concerned about heat and drought. It has not been raining for more than a month in the majority of those regions. The situation worsened with a sharp increase in temperature during the past few days.
Farmers exert every effort to save their vegetable plantations. Irrigation costs are significantly higher year-on-year now. Nevertheless, a threat of harvest failure is still pressing, as plants suffer from sunscald.
At the same time, Fruit-Inform's survey shows that farmers manage to cope with extreme weather conditions, and the situation with crops is not critical. Growers are sure that it is too early to say about lower harvest prospects, as rains and a decrease in temperature are expected in the сentral and eastern regions in the nearest days. After that, the situation will most likely stabilize.
More detailed information about Ukraine's fruit and vegetable production, price, import and export prospects in the season 2012/13 is available in the fundamental study "Fruit & Vegetable Market of Ukraine – 2012: Results and Forecasts for the Next Season".
Should you need more information about the study, please contact the International Department of Fruit-Inform:
Ievgen Kuzin
phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341
cell: +380 96 5836323
email: [email protected]