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October 18 2012, 12:20 Fito-Mag

Poland to account for 40% in Russia's total apple imports in 2012/13

Polish exporters think that they have every chance to increase the share of Poland in Russia's total apple imports to 40%. Sellers hope that Polish companies will manage to export no less than 550,000-600,000 tonnes of apples thanks to lower import duty on apples in Russia.

According to Fruit-Inform, Russia will raise its apple imports to 1.4 mln tonnes in the season 2012/13. Poland has been leading in apple exports to Russia over a number of years and striving to improve its position in the Russian market year by year. In the season 2010/11 Polish produce accounted for 25% in Russia's total apple imports, while in the season 2011/12 its share grew to 35%.

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