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April 10 2013, 10:17 Fruit-Inform

China: frozen strawberry consumption growth twice as rapid as production increase

According to Fruit-Inform data, being the largest global producer and exporter of frozen strawberries, China simultaneously increases internal consumption of this product. China's production of frozen strawberries has been annually growing by 8-9%, whereas internal consumption has been increasing averagely by 18-20% per annum. A steady growth in internal sales of frozen strawberries is connected with active development of the country's confectionery sector. In addition, Chinese yogurts, jams and juice products manufacturers' demand for frozen berries has been annually growing too.

At the same time, the share of internal market in total frozen strawberry sales remains rather small in China. Fruit-Inform estimates that Chinese processors sell only 25% of frozen strawberries internally with the rest being successfully exported.

The EU countries remain the main export market for Chinese frozen strawberries. They account for about a half of total exports from China. The CIS countries (mainly Russia) purchase about 11%.

As regards the Ukrainian fresh and frozen berry market, more information about it will be presented at the 4th International Conference “Berries of Ukraine – 2013: Frozen Produce & Fresh Market” which is to take place in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, May 16-17, 2013.

More information about the event is available here:

Would you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

e-mail: [email protected]

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