Sweet cherry export problems lead to price collapse in Ukraine
According to the Ukrainian market participants, problems with cherry exports in Ukraine led to the price collapse in the internal market.
Ukrainian exporters connect export problems with corruption schemes of customs clearance, which result in only several companies being currently able to export sweet cherries. The majority of exporters that planned to ship cherries for export last Sunday failed to pass customs clearance and were forced to sell all their volumes in the internal market.
As a result of glut in the market, prices of sweet cherries fell by 12-38%, and they are now offered averagely at UAH 10-15/kg (EUR 0.95-1.42/kg). Some farms are ready to ship sweet cherries even at UAH 7/kg (EUR 0.66/kg).
“The Ukrainian sweet cherry export season will come to an end in a week”, says Ms Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. “In such a way, farmers' chances to derive a profit from exporting sweet cherries decrease with every passing day”.
We would remind you that more information about current developments and future prospects in the Ukrainian and Russian fruit and vegetable markets is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly service package.