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April 14 2014, 11:52 Fruit-Inform

Ukraine: chaotic fresh produce price fluctuations last week

Fluctuations in fruit and vegetable prices in Ukraine were rather unusual in the week from April 5th to 11th. Unfortunately, instability in the currency market negatively affected all participants of the Ukrainian sector: from growers and traders to consumers.

“For the first time over the past 4 years of Fruit-Inform Ukrainian fresh produce price index history, we have observed such a chaotic situation in the fruit and vegetable sector”, says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. “An increase of UAH 1.50/kg (EUR 0.08/kg) in prices for some traditional vegetables over a week does not cause a special surprise in the market, although prices of some products had stood at that level a year before. Farmers, input and equipment suppliers, wholesalers and importers are in perplexity about further developments in the sector”.

It should be noted that the fresh produce price index went down by 0.3% last week, after an increase of 6.8% a week before. A decrease in the price index was registered despite higher prices for white cabbage (+33%) and onions (+19%). Positive price performance was compensated by a fall of 15% in cucumber prices and a slight decrease in prices of tomatoes due to their higher supply.

Devaluation of Ukrainian hryvnia resulted in an increase in prices for all imported fruits last week. However, the demand for those fruits went down as their high retail prices negatively affected consumption level.

We would remind you that more detailed information about current developments in the Russian and Ukrainian fruit and vegetable market is available for the subscribers of Fruit-Inform service packages.

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