Ukraine: prices of greenhouse tomatoes reach record high
According to Fruit-Inform, prices of greenhouse tomatoes have reached record high in Ukraine, and farms keep on raising their price levels.
Greenhouse tomatoes have become averagely 15% more expensive since the end of the previous week. For the present, farmers offer their produce at UAH 15-16/kg (USD 1.16-1.24/kg), a third higher compared with the same period of the previous season. Furthermore, current prices are 50% higher than average over the past 5 years.
Such a price situation is connected with the end of the tomato sales season reported by many Ukrainian greenhouse farms, which has led to a significant decrease in the supply. The price growth is also backed by low availability of imported produce in the Ukrainian market. Due to the devaluation of the Ukrainian hryvnia, imported tomatoes are offered at no lower than UAH 19-20/kg (USD 1.47-1.57/kg) that is unacceptable for the majority of buyers.
More detailed information about the Ukrainian market for tomatoes and other fruit and vegetable products will be presented at the 11th International Conference «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014», which is going to be held on December 8-9 in Kiev. The conference will be followed by the 4th International Trade Forum with about 30 Ukrainian retail chains and importers ready to conduct negotiations with fruit and vegetable suppliers on December 10.
Would you have any questions regarding the events, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)
cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)
e-mail: [email protected]