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October 23 2014, 12:02 Fruit-Inform

Expert says Ukrainian greenhouse farms not to suffer from Russia's ban

Ukrainian greenhouse farms will not suffer from Russia's ban on crop imports from Ukraine in the current season, Mr. Yevgeniy Chernyshenko, President of Association of Greenhouses of Ukraine, said to Fruit-Inform.

«The majority of greenhouse growers have already finished their cucumber season, and the tomato season will last for about 15 days», he said. «Tomato volumes currently offered by Ukrainian farms can be easily sold in the domestic market; therefore, there is still no cause to panic».

The cucumber and tomato volumes planned for export now will be distributed mainly in the internal market. At the same time, according to Mr. Chernyshenko, some farms examine the market of Belarus as an alternative for the Russian one. However, this option is rather complicated as Belarus has recently tightened the customs clearance procedures for Ukrainian produce.

Ukrainian exporters confirm this information: Belarusian Customs Service now requires a whole package of additional documents, which take several days to be prepared by Ukrainian suppliers.

Meanwhile, prices of greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes have sharply fallen in Ukraine. According to Fruit-Inform price monitoring, prices have become at least a third lower day-on-day. For the present, greenhouse farms are ready to ship cucumbers and tomatoes at UAH 10-11/kg (USD 0.77-0.84/kg), while a day before prices were not lower than UAH 16/kg (USD 1.23/kg).

More detailed information about the impact of Russia's ban on the Ukrainian fruit and vegetable market will be presented at the 11th International Conference «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014», which is going to be held on December 8-9 in Kiev. The conference will be followed by the 4th International Trade Forum with about 30 Ukrainian retail chains and importers ready to conduct negotiations with fruit and vegetable suppliers on December 10.

Would you have any questions regarding the events, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

e-mail: [email protected]

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