Russia: Medvedev suggests subsidising interest rates for agricultural loans
Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev suggests subsidising interest rates for agricultural loans. He presented the suggestion at a meeting on stable work of agriculture on Saturday.
“This should be organised promptly, so that the spring works are made on time,” he said.
It is also important not to fail the investment projects, on which depends the success of replacing formerly imported food products.
Output of many agricultural products in Russia has achieved the targets of the national food security doctrine, Medvedev told.
The target production has been registered in grain, sugar, potato, oil and others, he said.
“Clearly, still a lot is to be done to make our agriculture modern, so that in shops we could see our, Russian made fruit and vegetables, milk and meat - for that purpose we have adjusted the state programme on development of agriculture,” he said.
“For its implementation this year we have over 185 billion roubles ($2.83 billion),” Medvedev said.