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January 26 2015, 15:58 Fruit-Inform

Poland: white cabbage prices almost double over two weeks

According to Fruit-Inform daily price monitoring, white cabbage prices have almost doubled at Bronisze Wholesale Market, Warsaw, Poland, over the period from January 12th to 26th.

For the present, sellers offer white cabbage at 0.14-0.17 euro/kg, an increase of 17-21% year-on-year thanks to high demand for Polish produce in Belarus, where middlemen then resell it to Russia.

As Fruit-Inform has previously reported, white cabbage prices have already reached 10-year high in the Russian Federation. Only last week prices grew by 15%.

Russian wholesalers make attempts to compensate shortage of domestic supply by imports. They actively purchase Ukrainian produce through Crimea and Polish white cabbage through Belarus.

More detailed information about the trends observed in the Eastern European market for potatoes and traditional vegetables (onions, white cabbage, carrots, table beets) will be presented at the 7th International Conference «Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine-2015» to be held on February 27, 2015, Kiev, Ukraine.

More detailed information about the event, preliminary program, conditions of participation and application form are available on

Would you have any questions regarding the event, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Mr Ievgen Kuzin

tel: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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