Moldova: apple prices down year-on-year
Current prices of apples fixed by sellers at Chisinau Wholesale Market vary between 0.12-0.39 euro/kg, a decrease of 15-20% year-on-year. For comparison, a year before apples were offered at 0.15-0.48 euro/kg there.
The market participants connect a fall in prices with lower exports compared with the previous season. It should be noted that Russia accounted for the largest part of Moldovan apple exports in the previous years. However, due to the ban on imports introduced by Russia in late July 2014, Moldovan fruits appear in the Russian market only after re-exports from third countries, and cumulative shipments significantly went down.
However, Moldovan growers hope the ban on imports to be lifted in the nearest time, which will lead to higher sales rates of their apples. We would remind you that Russia has granted permission to export apples to several Moldovan companies on February 26.