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July 8 2015, 12:33 Fruit-Inform

Ukrainian processors uninterested in processing apricots

Ukrainian processors have either to sharply reduce their production of apricot puree, juice and jam, or stop those activities at all in this season due to shortage of supply of raw produce and its too high prices.

As Fruit-Inform analysts have already reported, the Ukrainian apricot production will be one of the lowest in 2015. Severe frosts in January and a cold spell in late April have resulted in significant losses of apricot crop in main producing regions; therefore, the supply of apricots is low even in the fresh market, and farms' prices have reached record high.

Processors say of serious problems with purchasing necessary volumes, and farms' minimum prices stand at UAH 18-20/kg (EUR 0.71-0.79/kg), which is absolutely unaffordable for processing enterprises.

We would remind you that prices of apricots for processing varied between UAH 6-10/kg in 2014, and processors also considered those price levels high.

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