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October 29 2020, 14:51 Fruit-Inform

The Blueberry Market in the Eastern Europe Study updated as of 2020

The first fundamental study “The Blueberry Market in the Eastern Europe” conducted by Fruit-Inform will soon be updated and widened with the results of the year 2020.

The updated study will contain the following additional information:

Just to remind, the study of the blueberry market in three Eastern European countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) is the detailed analysis of the berry segment No. 1 in prices, area expansion rates, transportability and storage terms that enables to answer the question “What are the current market conditions, and what to expect in the nearest five years?”

Key points of the study:

To get more detailed information about the study “The Blueberry Market in the Eastern Europe”, please feel free to visit Fruit-Inform’s web-site or contact us directly:

Mr Ievgen Kuzin:

+380 96 5836323

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