Price decrease on some vegetables led to trade intensification in western regions of Ukraine
Sales price decrease on cabbage, carrot, red beets and onion led to vegetable trade intensification on markets of western Ukraine, also on the wholesale market "Shuvar", Lviv. According to information provided by Sergiy Havryshev, Market Information Specialist of Lviv AMP (Agricultural Marketing Project) office, past Friday there were on 30% more traders than a week before on "Shuvar" market. It is interesting to mention that a major part of wholesalers and producers supplied on western markets commodities, produced in the South of Ukraine. There was also a lot of commodities imported from Poland.
Price decrease on cabbage, carrot and red beets made the wholesale purchases of those commodities look more advantageous for the intermediaries from the eastern regions. The onion supplies from the southern and central oblasts of Ukraine to the western regions also became rather profitable in line with decrease of onion purchase price. We can expect the intensification of onion trade; the tomato, red beets and carrot trade will remain on the same high level of activeness.