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December 29 2004, 09:11 APK-Inform

Poultry number in Ukraine decreased 4.6 pc from last month

The number of poultry in Ukraine as of December 1, 2004 decreased 4.6 percent from November 1 - to 165.2 million heads, kept by all categories of Ukrainian poultry breeders. In private households the number of poultry decreased 7.3 percent - to 114 million heads, State Statistics Committee has informed.

In agricultural enterprises the number of poultry has been steadily increasing - both in comparison with previous month (2.1 percent) and on a yearly basis (51.2 million heads, +20.7 percent compared with December 1, 2003). This number of poultry kept in poultry-breeding enterprises is the many-year largest.

Due to an increase of the poultry number in agricultural enterprises, the total number of poultry appeared to exceed that of a year ago. According to official statistics, the increase in the total number of poultry from December 1, 2003 made 7.6 percent.

The ratio between the poultry number, kept by the enterprises and by private households as of December 1 this year was 31:69. The share of enterprises in the total number of poultry kept is gradually increasing. In 2001 it was 22 percent, in 2002 - 25, in 2003 - 26 and this year - 29 percent.

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