Potato reserves in Ukraine remain large and prices - stable
According to the assessments of the specialists of Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) even in the first decade of February the producers possesses the sufficient reserves of potato - it is proved by the significant quantity of potato supplies on the relatively low market price.
At present moment the major potato supplies are proposed on USD $ 0.07-0.11/kg; still price may reach USD $ 0.13-0.15/kg in the regions with potato deficit.
We should also mention that despite of price growth obvious for carrot, cabbage and onion during the past month the prices on potato have not practically changed.
Due to the moderate market prices the specialists of Agricultural Marketing Project prognose the acreage contraction for potato producing lands on 3-5% in 2005 and the decrease of the total production on 15-20%. The companies - suppliers of potato seeds confirm it. The seed potato can be purchased now on USD $ 0.16-0.37/kg.