Retail prices on vegetables have changed considerably this week in Ukraine
According to the analysis of the retail prices conducted by Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) the significant price change has taken place on the vegetable market of Ukraine.
The most significant price increase was observed for vegetables kept in storages. So cabbage price has grown in average on 30% this week (and in some regions this figure was 100%), its retail price reached USD $ 0.75/kg; the insufficient cabbage supply is also observed. Let's remind that in this period in 2004 the retail cabbage price varied within the limits USD $ 0.07-0.13/kg in the conditions of oversupply. Taking into account the remnants of cabbage in reserves, we'd better not expect the price decrease on cabbage.
Besides, during this week the prices on the following vegetables have grown up significantly - on 9% for potato, on 11% for onion, carrot and red beets.
The growth of the retail prices is connected in many cases with the unfavorable weather conditions which hampered the normal cabbage supply and decreased the number of vegetable traders and the activity of sale operations on bazaars.
At the same time past week fresh tomatoes and cucumbers cheapened considerably. In the different regions tomato price decreased on 6-20%, the retail price on cucumbers went down on 20-30%. In some regions the prices on these vegetables went down even more significantly. The market players explain this price drop by the first commodity supplies produced in the national greenhouses.