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May 30 2005, 16:20 Agrarian Marketing Project

An unusual situation - cauliflower is cheaper than white cabbage in Ukraine

The prices on cauliflower and white cabbage are nearly equal both on the wholesale and retail markets of Ukraine, rather often cauliflower costs even cheaper. According to the results of price monitoring conducted by Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP), this situation is very unusual. During the recent three years the price on cauliflower used to exceed the price on white cabbage on minimum 50-70%.

As the specialists say, the main reason for that is a high price on white cabbage - and the price on cauliflower stays on the usual level. We'll also note that the price levels on cauliflower and white cabbage have very little relation to each other.

According to the data of wholesale price monitoring, the price on white cabbage fluctuated today from USD $ 0.39/kg in Kherson oblast to USD $ 0.69/kg in Kyiv. The price on cauliflower was minimal in Kherson oblast (USD $ 0.39/kg), and in Kyiv this commodity was offered on USD $ 0.51/kg.

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