Potatoes coming to Ukraine from Belarus
Since the beginning of this week potato of Russian and Belarusian potato has started to be supplied on Ukrainian markets. As some market players report, average wholesale price on Ukrainian potato is greater than the price on imported potato even with the account of import tax. Sufficiently low price level on good imported potato ensures high demand from the side of wholesale companies. This fact influenced wholesale price stabilization for potato of Ukrainian origin.
Information. As reported earlier, a rapid growth of prices for potato is observed in recent time in Ukraine. A basic reason for growth in wholesale and retail prices for this commodity is accounted for by its keen shortage in the country markets. In addition, according to some market operators, under conditions of potato proposal shortage the demand for it remained on a sufficiently high level.
Thus, the wholesale price for potato in Kyiv reached 1.7-1.8 UAH/kg, while in some regions it even exceeded 2 UAH/kg. This price, as evidenced by AMP, by 4 to5 times surpassed the price of the last year respective period. Also, in late October the price for potato was on average by 70% higher than comparatively high price of this year in Poland.