Toepfer + EBRD = loan for agribusiness development in Ukraine
Interfax Ukraine reported that Toepfer has a chance to receive EUR 90 mill from EBRD for agribusiness development. The EBRD is planning to review May 8th this issue where the loan will be allocated for Alfred C. Toepfer (Ukraine), the subsidiary of well-known Alfred C. Toepfer (Rotterdam) N.V.
This money should be directed into financing grain purchases from farmers, grain transportations, storage, processing and export.
This loan is to follow the revolving credit line where around EUR40 mill will be provided by commercial banks and the balance by the EBRD itself.
According to EBRD, the total project value for Toepfer in Ukraine will reach EUR130 mill. In addition to the aforementioned loan, this project will attract funds from Ukrainian banks and Toepfer own money.