Detailed program of the conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2005"
The organizers of the second international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine" promised to make it even more interesting than it was in 2004. We can say for sure that the organizers succeeded in it. The interests of all produce business players were taken into account while preparing the conference program. The detailed list of events has already been placed on our site.
During the first day December the 5th the conference participants will learn more about the attitude of the top authorities of the agroindustrial complex to fruit and vegetable sector. Plus, during the first day the conference participants will have time to attend the exhibition "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2005", where the modern technologies will be presented to the produce business representatives. Besides, at the same day new unique weekly journal Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits will be introduced to all the participants. The journal is oriented on all produce market players - from producer to supermarket manager of the produce sector. The presentation participants will be able to subscribe on this journal in 2006 on a discount cost. The conference participants and the exhibitors will celebrate the first day of the conference on a reception.
The second day, December the 6th will be the most eventful. Well-known produce business experts will make their presentations this day. The perspectives of Ukrainian produce business development, vegetable, fruit and berry post harvest handling and packing, wholesale and retail trade prospects will get everybody's attention. These three important themes will be covered by world-known specialists.
Marita Cantwell, Ph.D., US Davis University, California, will speak about the opportunities of the modern produce post harvest handling. Bernd Hallier, the President of European Retail Trade Institute, the member of European Retail Trade Academy will present the perspectives of the modern wholesale trade. Peter Horvath, the representative of Swiss SABA company (owned by world market leader Dole Food Company Inc.) will share the practical approach to fruit and vegetable export from Ukraine.
The representative of the International Finance Corporation will cover the investment opportunities of the Ukrainian produce business. Specially for this very interesting topic the Agricultural Marketing Project is preparing the fundamental survey.
The third day, December the 7th will be fully dedicated to the technological aspects of fruit and vegetable production, post harvest handling, storage, packing and marketing. On the second day mostly independent experts shared their opinion; on December the 7th the companies-suppliers of the mentioned services and technologies will make presentations. The companies interested to present the advantages of their technologies to the target audience, can use the special offer of APK-Inform.
High level of the second international produce conference is also confirmed by the sponsor support provided by the leading players of Ukrainian and Russian produce business. AGRIMATCO company, the international supplier of seeds, fertilizers, plant protection assets, drip irrigation systems, agricultural equipment and machinery is a general sponsor of the conference. The event is sponsored by RUSBANA ENGINEERING company, the leader supplier of the produce post harvest handling equipment on Russian market; SHUVAR market, the largest wholesale market in Ukraine; FRANKO-TERMINAL company, the dynamically developing wholesaler; and OLVITA company, one of the leaders on the produce deep freezing market.
The full version of the program of the second international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2005" can be found here. To register for participation, please fill in an easy form. Please remember that the deadline for application acceptance is the 25th of November 2005.