Yes! Agrarian bank does exist!
Interfax-Ukraine reported that Ukrainian Vice-Premier Kozachenko called Aval bank, Ukraine's postal and pension commercial bank, the agrarian bank since the latter is the largest creditor of the Ukraine's AIC as of today.
On April 12th, the 10th anniversary of the Aval bank, which was celebrated at Ivan Franko theatre Kozachenko said '"enough to complain that we have no agricultural bank, we do have one and the name is Aval".
The Vice-Premier said that during past year Aval issued loans to farmers more than Ukraine, the AIC bank that went broke, during its past three years of operation.
In 2001 Aval loaned US $348 mn to 5,410 agribusinesses.
This bank today has average clients capital capacity equal US $826 mn including 207 mn of private deposits.