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December 6 2005, 14:33 Agrarian Marketing Project

Ukraine's Entry to WTO Will Not Have Disastrous Effects on Its Produce Industry - One Expert's Opinion

If Ukraine enters World Trade Organization (WTO) it will cause no disastrous effect on the national fruit and vegetable market, this according to expert Andriy Yarmak, Deputy Director of the Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP). This was the included in talk given at the second international conference "Fruits and Vegetables in Ukraine 2005 on December 6, 2005.

In his opinion, "The produce business of Ukraine is practically in WTO. Import taxes decreased and no catastrophe took place".

However, A. Yarmak presumed that entry into the WTO will have definite negative consequences on the Ukrainian fruit and vegetable producers, but the influence is expected to be insignificant.

"The market will start to feel the consequences in a couple of months", A. Yarmak pointed out.

At the same time the expert mentioned a couple of positive things, which will able to be implemented in the case of possible WTO membership for Ukraine.

In particular, he indicated the simplified process of new varieties and hybrids registration, easier entry of input suppliers into the Ukrainian market, and broader sales channels in EU countries for fresh and processed produce of Ukrainian origin.

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