RF diary union urges that Ukraine make new standards for dairy products
Russia's diary union chief executive Vladimir Labinov declared that Ukraine had to make new standards for diary and fat-and-oil industry production. He also added if Ukraine aligned on Russian clients she has to follow their standards for Russian customers not to overpaid for cheap quality.
According to his words, diary union has already prepared proposal as for Ukrainian diary and fat-and-oil industry production.
Russia has also imposed a ban on cattle-breeding products import from Ukrainian in January 20, 2005. This prohibition will be discussed until Ukraine take measures in contraband production import prevention in Russia. This problem isn't concerned with any political or economical aspects of Russia-Ukrainian relations but with necessity to protect users from poor production. According to Ukrainian experts' estimates, the country's diary brunch monthly losses through the ban may be 50-60 million hryvnyas, butcher brunch- 12-15 million hryvnyas. Agrarian ministry data showed that Ukraine exported in Russia near 60% of producible diary production and 54% cheese.