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February 9 2006, 12:48

Peach orchards of Odesa oblast suffered from frosts not so much

As the orchardists of Odesa oblast inform, frosts have not injured peach trees much. As the farmers say, about 10 per cent of buds were injured by frost in the central part of Odesa oblast, not more than 3-5% of buds in the southern regions, and the damaged buds are mainly on weak trees or at the shoot ends. The producers hope that the yield won't be affected, cause in many cases pruning can improve the situation. Of course, it is possible that the orchards in hollows suffered more; but the situation seems more or less optimistic now. The farmers consider the possible March frosts to be the main danger at the moment, when the frosts of -6 oC can kill all buds on a tree, as they break just in this period of time.

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