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February 22 2006, 15:09

Vegetable prices continue growing - the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine

In the second decade of February the seasonal price increase on vegetable commodities continued in Ukraine, as it was reported by the PR and Mass Media Department of the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine.

According to the data of the price monitoring conducted by the state price control bodies, in the period from 02/10/2006 to 02/20/2006 the average price level on carrot increased the highest - on 5.4% (up to USD 0.53/kg). The prices on cabbage grew too - on 4.2% (up to USD 0.53/kg), bulb onion - on 3.9 % (up to USD 0.52/kg), red beets - on 2.7 % (up to USD 0.44/kg), and potato - on 2.5% (up to USD 0.48/kg).

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