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April 20 2006, 11:47

Carrot prices are gradually decreasing in Ukraine

According to results of the wholesale price monitoring conducted by the Agricultural Marketing Project for "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal, carrot prices were quite stable in March and first half of April. Carrot jumped dramatically up in price January and February. The trend of carrot price decrease has been even observed in some regions during two recent weeks.

The market players inform that Polish carrot shipments significantly influenced the market situation; national producers had to reduce prices a little.

At the same time, carrot suppliers are quite satisfied with the existing demand and price level. The price fluctuates significantly in the different regions of Ukraine depending from the quality. The wholesale carrot shipments cost $ 0.43/kg and more in the Western Ukraine and not less than $0.58/kg on the Ukrainian East.

According to the vegetable production and price forecast, a significant carrot production increase will be observed next year in the country, and the prices will dramatically decline. The forecast is to be published in "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal by the end of April.

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