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May 23 2006, 15:43

Demand for past year cabbage dramatically decreases

The sellers of past year cabbage observe dramatic demand decrease for this commodity. Early cabbage has already become twice as cheap as past year cabbage, and it is sold in larger shipments. So, "old" cabbage becomes noncompetitive. At the same time, major companies have already managed to sell out the stocks of past year cabbage, so declining demand won't cause serious losses. Today there is an insignificant quantity of past year cabbage on market, which small shipments are sold for $0.58-0.64/kg in Kyiv and up to $0.39/kg in Lviv. Early cabbage costs up to $0.56/kg in Kyiv and up to $0.47/kg in Lviv today.

The experts forecast past year cabbage price to decrease soon; this commodity will leave the market in several weeks.

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