Strawberry price is 2.5 times as high than a year ago
According to the data of wholesale price monitoring on the produce markets of Ukraine, conducted by "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal, as for June 5th 2006 an average wholesale price for strawberry is 2.5 times higher than a year ago.
Today the small wholesale price for strawberry fluctuates within $1.96-2.55/kg on FARMER market in Kyiv. Strawberry supply is large, so the specialists suppose the price decline is likely to continue. Still, strawberry price will hardly be the same low as it was a year ago. Past year was notable for a good strawberry harvest, and the prices were relatively low. Early June 2005 small shipments of strawberry cost $ 0.68-0.98/kg; the prices used to keep on this level whole June.
This year the experts expect the gross production to decline 5-7% despite of the prognosed 15% extension of strawberry acreage. Combined with the increased demand, strawberry prices will be significantly higher this year than in 2005.
The experts mention frosts to be the main reason for decreased gross production, as low temperatures injured some plantings. And, as a result, the beginning of strawberry harvesting season was shifted minimum a week forward.