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June 29 2006, 15:16

AMP supports the creation of first industrial production of Bryndza - traditional Hutsul cheese

According to information provided to "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" journal by the specialists of Zakarpattya office, Agricultural Marketing Project, on June 21st an official dedication ceremony was held to open a new cheese plant on the basis of "Rakhiv Bryndza" agricultural service cooperative in village Lug, Rakhiv rayon, Zakarpattya oblast. The plant will produce bryndza cheese, a traditional diary product for local population.

Bryndza is usually a home-made product. So, the creation of the first in region industrial production of Bryndza cheese is sure to help increase the quality of traditional Hutsul cheese and even extend production of this commodity. It is an additional sales channel for local people to sell milk, i.e. an additional profit source.

"Rakhiv Bryndza" cooperative won a grant to open bryndza cheese plant in the framework of grant program of the Agricultural Marketing Project, implemented by Land O'Lakes company under USAID support. The members of the cooperative received granted equipment for dairy processing plant and consultative-technological assistance for cheese production.

Dragi Mihailov, Macedonian specialist - Consultant of Land O'Lakes, Inc., said that "the cooperative has everything to produce unique and competitive product. Traditional Hutsul Bryndza, hard cheese, and white soft cheese of FETA type can be produced here. The plant will have competitive advantage among various products available on dairy market now".

The plant is able to process up to 2 tons of milk per day and produce up to 500 kg of cheese depending from raw materials' type.

Roman Salo, the Coordinator of Zakarpattya AMP office, mentioned that newly opened cheese plant will support the revival of livestock breeding in mountainous rayon of Zakarpattya. The success of this cooperative will be an example of useful cooperation for other farmers in Rakhiv rayon, creation of new jobs, development of new sales markets for dairy products, and increased revenues for rural people as a result.

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